Back to Self Assurance definition listing Choose a year from the dropdown to view that year's definition 2000 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Coronary artery by-pass surgery Date: January 2000 Definition: The undergoing of heart surgery on the advice of a UK registered Consultant Cardiologist to correct narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries with bypass grafts.No change since July 1999 Definition update history: Coronary artery by-pass surgery November 2003 Coronary artery by-pass surgery March 2003 Coronary artery by-pass surgery December 2002 Coronary artery by-pass surgery September 2002 Coronary artery by-pass surgery April 2002 Coronary artery by-pass surgery July 2001 Coronary artery by-pass surgery March 2001 Coronary artery by-pass surgery June 2000 Coronary artery by-pass surgery January 2000 Coronary artery by-pass surgery July 1999 Share this by email Back to Self Assurance definition listing