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Intensive Care

Date: May 2011


Any sickness or injury resulting in the life assured requiring continuous mechanical ventilation by means of tracheal intubation for 10 consecutive days (24 hours per day) or more in an intensive care unit in a UK hospital.

For the above definition the following are not covered:

  • sickness or injury as a result of drug or alcohol intake or any other self-inflicted means;
  • children under the age of 90 days.


Definition update history:

Intensive Care May 2011

What does this mean?

There are many causes leading to admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). Reasons include severe illness, accident or surgery. People in ICUs may have had multiple organ failure and require medical equipment to take the place of these functions while they recover. To meet our definition the life assured must not be able to breathe on their own and require mechanical ventilation.

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