Back to Pegasus definition listing Choose a year from the dropdown to view that year's definition 2011 2011 2009 2007 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Blindness Date: May 2011 Definition: Permanent and irreversible loss of sight to the extent that even when tested with the use of visual aids, vision is measured at 3/60 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye chart.No change since April 2007 Definition update history: Blindness May 2011 Blindness July 2009 Blindness April 2007 Blindness November 2003 Blindness May 2003 Blindness March 2003 Blindness April 2002 Blindness July 2001 Blindness November 2000 Blindness November 1999 Blindness July 1999 Blindness February 1998 What does this mean? Sight can be lost because of an accident or illness. In order for a claim to be paid, the loss of sight must be permanent and irreversible. If the loss was only temporary, it would not be covered by the definition. Share this by email Back to Pegasus definition listing