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Date: November 2003


No longer covered


Date: May 2003


Undergoing: balloon angioplasty, atherectomy, rotablation, laser treatment, or the application of stents for coronary heart disease. Angiographic or equivalent evidence of the underlying disease must be provided and the disease must be considered uncontrollable by non-invasive medical therapy.

No change since February 1998 - limits apply. We will pay an amount equal to the lower of: 25% of the sum assured and £25,000.


Date: March 2003


Undergoing: balloon angioplasty, atherectomy, rotablation, laser treatment, or the application of stents for coronary heart disease. Angiographic or equivalent evidence of the underlying disease must be provided and the disease must be considered uncontrollable by non-invasive medical therapy.

No change since February 1998 - limits apply. We will pay an amount equal to the lower of: 25% of the sum assured and £25,000.


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